South West Soccer Association Inc

Minutes of the SWSA Executive ABN 36 702 563 806

Please note that items of a confidential nature have been omitted from this public copy.

Date Friday 14th June 2019
Location South West Sports Centre, Bunbury
Time 6pm – 8pm
Purpose SWSA Executive Monthly Meeting
Item Description
1. Meeting open 6:04pm


President Steve Gibson (SG)
Vice-President Shane Cole (SC)
Finance Director Sara King (SK)
Secretary Isabell Evans (IE)
Committee Member Darcy Carroll (DC)
Administration Manager Simone Darnell (SD)
Referee Development Officer Mick Hankin (MH)

3. Apologies
4. Previous Meeting 
  • Outstanding Items
Action Update
SWSA to speak to delegates at next meeting regarding South West Phoenix proposal Completed 1st May
  • Outstanding Items – Delegates May
Action Update
SD to distribute Westpac and AMD letters regarding 2016 alleged fraud Decision for SD to distribute Westpac email of 22nd October 2018 and AMD email of 8th January 2019 along with 1st May delegates meeting minutes
SWSA Executive to meet post-meeting to discuss SWP senior player proposal Completed and allowed; clubs informed
SWSA Executive to finalise Fair Play Award points and distribute In progress
SWSA Executive to complete SW Cup draw and send hosting EOI out to clubs Completed
SWSA Administration Manager to circulate referees academy information to affiliates Completed
SWSA to discuss ladies competition promotion/relegation at next meeting Carry forward
SWSA Administration Manager to organise engraving of 2018 Pioneer Cup In progress
  • Committee Decision
That the minutes of the South West Soccer Association from their meeting held 11 February 2019 be approved.That the minutes of the South West Soccer Association from their meeting held 8th April 2019 be approved.
Moved: SK Seconded: SG Carried: 5-0

South West Phoenix (SWP) Proposal

SG advised that he had had one meeting with SWP since they had presented to the delegates on 1st May, with questions revolving around balancing players playing for SWP on a Saturday and then their SWSA club the next day Sunday.

Agreement that SWP need to follow up with Football West regarding what is and what is not allowed in terms of registering for a SWSA club as well as a SWSA representative team prior to coming back to the SWSA for a more in-depth proposal. Action: SG to advise SWP that SWSA require clarification from Football West regarding the registration issue prior to the SWSA considering the matter further.


SW Cup Venue – prelim rounds & finals

SG advised that he and SD have met to draw the SW Cup fixtures with the outstanding matter being the locations of the two preliminary rounds and then the cup final. SG advised that the first round requires five venues hosting four games each with the SWSA receiving nominations from five clubs; Hay Park, Bunbury United, Australind, SWP and Busselton; therefore all clubs will host first round matches (one nomination was received after the closing date so was not considered).

The second round involves 12 games and therefore requires three venues. It was decided that these be selected following the cup final venue decision, wherein five clubs nominated; Football Margaret River (FMR), Dalyellup, SWP, Bunbury United and Hay Park (Busselton withdrew). FMR was selected for the following reasons; Dalyellup hosted the event last year, SWP are not affiliate members, Bunbury 

United hosted three rounds of this year’s Pioneer Cup as well as this year’s Charity Shield; Hay Park hosted the event four years ago as well as this year’s Pioneer Cup Final and official lighting opening ceremony; FMR have a brand new field and lights and have committed to providing referee change rooms for the event.


Based on FMR hosting the cup final, it was decided that Dalyellup, Dunsborough and Hay Park host the SW Cup second round.


Committee Decision

That Football Margaret River be offered the opportunity to host this year’s SWSA South West Cup Final subject to meeting set amenity standards.

Moved: SC       Seconded: SK   Carried 5-0


Action: SG to speak with Liam Sheehan (Hay Park) regarding the second round of the SW Cup; SG and SD write to FMR announcing them as hosts of the 2019 SW Cup Final subject to set amenities being provided, plus mentioning that IE can meet with them regarding the delivery of last year’s event; SG to input matches into fixture layout and distribute; SD to make medals/trophies order involving a replica trophy and medals for winners and runners up medals for the losing teams.


Top 4 Bottom 4 Comp

SG advised that the top 4/bottom 4 split will only affect Men’s Premier, Men’s Reserves and Men’s Division 1 with the bottom team dropping out as those leagues have 9 teams. He advised that Mark Gelmi (Dunsborough) had contacted him suggesting that instead of the Men’s League bottom-placed team dropping out that SWP should drop out instead as they are a non-affiliate, however it was decided that the original decision would remain as if SWP were not the bottom-placed team this would decrease the level of competition.

Decision that this arrangement be reviewed following the end of the 2019 season with it being attempted as the league finishes on 5 September but the cup final is not until 26 September, therefore the arrangement provides more playing opportunities during this time, with teams able to opt-out should they wish to. Action: SG to advise Mark Gelmi of Executive Committee decision.

2020 Rep Game Proposal

Discussion around the potential of a regional representative game between the SWSA and other WA regional associations to be held on the June long weekend in 2020. Action: SG/SD to write to equivalent soccer associations throughout WA to seek their interest in a representative game.

SWSA Team of the Year concept

Discussion around developing a men’s and ladies Team of the Year which would represent the SWSA at the Jimmy Mayers fixture as well as any future representative games, – all in agreeance this is a good initiative. It was decided that the selection panel would involve two men’s coaches, two ladies coaches, Referee Development Officer Mick Hankin and two SWSA Executive Committee members. 

By Laws – dual registration & registration fee refund

SG advised that Australind and Dynamos both have different junior and senior clubs and have had juniors top up the seniors teams for a number of years which is technically dual registration under FW and FFA rules, as per communication at the 1st May delegates meeting. Discussion around whether integration of the junior and senior clubs may be likely or not, with it noted that both clubs are working towards resolving this matter.

Committee Decision

That Australind and Dynamos be permitted to field junior players from their independent junior clubs for the 2019 season only, noting that both clubs are working to resolve this issue.

Moved: SK       Seconded: DC  Carried 5-0

Action: SD and SG write to Australind and Dynamos advising them of decision.

Committee Decision

That the by-laws be changed to provide players who have played one SWSA-sanctioned fixture and then deregistered with a refund of SWSA fees minus the referees academy contribution, on application by the host club.

Moved: IE        Seconded: SC   Carried: 5-0
Action: IE to amend by-laws document then distribute to Executive Committee for distribution to clubs and website upload by SK.



Outstanding fixture matters were discussed as below;

  • Blackwood query regarding home and away game split. Action: SD to advise Blackwood that it is too late to query the fixtures as over 20 revisions of them took place at the start of the year with clubs requested to provide feedback at the time.
  • Bunbury United/Dalyellup. Action: SD to advise Bunbury United that the fixture must be played at their home ground, as per the by-laws any change to fixtures must be made following approval from both teams.

Review Match Card system
SG advised that he has met with Loop2 Digital as the fairest and best and caution lists displaying on the website were not up to date. He relayed that the web provider has had some issues but they have committed to having all data on the previous weekend’s games uploaded by the Wednesday after to enable checking of yellow cards etc.


P&D Panel
Discussion that thus far very few red cards had been issued this season.


WWC – Referees

It was confirmed that referees are required to hold a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) which the Referees Branch manage. Action: SD to request copies of WWCCs to ensure the safety of all players; SG to remind all clubs that club referees should have WWCCs as well. 


Discussion around the SWSA website being inaccessible and slow to load whilst continuing to display irrelevant data on the homepage despite requests to delete this. Action: SG to set up meeting with himself, web provider Loop2 Digital, SK, DC and SD in Busselton to discuss further.


SD was thanked for submitting the new constitution to the Department of Commerce and for this being approved. Action: SD to upload to the SWSA website; post each club a hard copy with a cover letter as well as email all clubs an electronic copy.

Accounts Approval

  • Committee Decision
    That the South West Soccer Association bank accounts for the period ending 30 April 2019 and the period ending 31st May 2019, are a true and correct account of the Association’s financial position as of this date.
    M: SK 2:IE  carried 5-0
    SD tell SG who hasn’t paid affiliation fees for follow up
    SG add to letter remind paid

Referees Academy – Mick Hankin
MH attended from 6:00pm – 6:20pm to discuss the upcoming referees academy intake with key facts as follows;

  • MH requires a minimum of 6 cadets for the July intake aged 15 – 21 years old
  • The academy runs from July – July with a break over summer from the Balingup 5-a-side carnival until the Margaret River Carnival
  • At the moment sessions are run out of Australind however this is flexible depending on home locations of new cadets
  • Weekly training goes for 90 minutes involving theory and practical on a Wednesday evening
  • The academy is aimed at those who are already club referees and have an understanding of the game
  • The cadet pays nothing with training partially paid for by the SWSA
  • Should there be 6 cadets kit and equipment can be fully paid for however if there is a larger number of cadets each will only receive a subsidy
  • Cadets have the opportunity to referee at the Australia-wide Kanga Cup on a subsidised trip (only paying for ½ airfare and insurance)

It was noted that there are 15 11-15 year olds in an eight-week program however this is at a more basic level than the academy is aimed at.
Action: SD to send IE basic information from last year’s flyer; IE to create new flyer for distribution to all clubs; IE and SK to particularly promote to female footballers.


Hay Park South (Hay Park United) lighting

IE advised that the City of Bunbury and Hay Park United are organising an opening ceremony for the newly installed lighting to take place on Saturday 6 July involving the following rescheduled fixtures:

5:30pm – premier pitch 1 – Hay Park reserves v Dalyellup reserves
5:30pm – premier pitch 2 – Hay Park ladies v Australind ladies
7:30pm – premier pitch 1 – SWP v Bunbury United
7:30pm – premier pitch 2 – Hay Park v Dalyellup

Action: IE to find out more details and pass on.

SWSA Presentation Night
Discussion around the fact that SD will be overseas for the 2019 presentation night. Action: SD and IE to meet separately to commence planning for the event.


Next SWSA Executive meeting
Monday 22 July, SW Sports Centre, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Next SWSA Delegates meeting


Meeting closed